To create a new identity for Sealine boats. We were asked to create a “Distinctive, Unique and Desireable” product line, that would not alienate the existing Sealine customers, but with the aim of attracting new customers to increase sales and market share.

Carsten spent the first few weeks understanding Sealine’s manufacturing potential, then visiting typical customers to get a clear understanding of their needs and desires.
The first boat designed was the SC35, an ideal size vessel for a small family, or a couple to go motor cruising.
The SC35 has best in class upper deck and lower accommodation thanks to the largest beam to length ratio, and a layout which totally maximises the space. Large skylights and a convertible roof system creates a spacious light filled atmosphere, innovative features which were later copied by all main competitors.
The “modern British industrial styling” signified a new beginning for Sealine, emphasising the improvements in structural quality and craftsmanship.

The SC35 was the fastest selling model in company history, and a huge commercial success.
Many new customers were brought into the brand, along with the sales from existing Sealine owners – selling 14 units the first day it was launched and over 300 in total.
Sealine SC35 - Winner of “Motorboat of the Year” award 2008.
“Sealine’s new 35 foot sports cruiser has taken design to a whole new level... we reckon that it’s the most exciting look on the sports cruiser market” – Motor Boats Monthly